Googls Scholar User Profile

Selected Publications


direct marketing

PFEIFER, P.E. and OVCHINNIKOV, A.S., "A Note on Willingness to Spend and Customer Lifetime Value for Firms with Limited Capacity," Journal of Interactive Marketing 25(3), 178-189, 2011.

PFEIFER, P.E., "On Estimating Current-Customer Equity Using Company Summary Data," Journal of Interactive Marketing 25(1), 1-14, 2011. With comments from Scott A. Neslin; Peter S. Fader and Bruce G.S. Hardie; Rajkumar Venkatesan; and Thorsten Wiesel, Bernd Skiera, and Julian Villanueva. With rejoinder from the author.

ZHAO, H., BANG, H., WANG, H., and PFEIFER, P.E., "On the Equivalence of some Medical Cost Estimators with Censored Data," Statistics in Medicine 26(24), 4528-30, 2007.

PFEIFER, P.E., and BANG, H., “Non-parametric Estimation of Mean Customer Lifetime Value,” Journal of Interactive Marketing 19(4), 48-66, 2005.

PFEIFER, P.E., “The Optimal Ratio of Acquisition and Retention Costs,” Journal of Targeting, Measurement and Analysis for Marketing 13(2), 179-188, 2005

PFEIFER, P.E., HASKINS, M.E., and CONROY, R.M., “Customer Lifetime Value, Customer Profitability, and the Treatment of Acquisition Spending,” 25 pages, Journal of Managerial Issues, Vol. XVII No. 1: 11-25, Spring 2005.

PFEIFER, P.E. and FARRIS, P.W., “The Elasticity of Customer Value to Retention: the Duration of a Customer Relationship,” Journal of Interactive Marketing 18(2), 20-31, Spring 2004.

PFEIFER, P.E. and CARRAWAY, R.L., “Modeling Customer Relationships using Markov Chains,” Journal of Interactive Marketing, 14(2), 43-55, Spring 2000.

PFEIFER, P.E., “On the Use of Customer Lifetime Value as a Limit on Acquisition Spending,” Journal of Database Marketing, 7(1), 81-86, 1999.

PFEIFER, P.E., “The Economic Selection of Sample Sizes for List Testing,” Journal of Interactive Marketing, 12(3), 5-20, 1998.

PFEIFER, P.E., “On Using the Beta-Logistic Model to Update Response Probabilities Given Non-response,” Journal of Interactive Marketing, 12(2), 23-32, 1998.


Prediction Contest

PFEIFER, P.E., “The Promise of Pick-the-Winners Contests for the Purpose of Producing Crowd Probability-Forecasts,” Theory and Decision, 2015.

PFIEFER, P.E., GRUSCHKA-COCAYNE, Y. and LICHTENDAHL, K.C. Jr, “The Promise of Prediction Contests,The American Statistician 68 (4), 2014, 264-270. 

LICHTENDAHL, K.C. Jr., GRUSCHKA-COCKAYNE, Y., and PFEIFER, P.E., “The Wisdom of Competing Crowds,” Operations Research 61(6), 2013, 1383-1398. One of three finalists for the best decision analysis paper of 2013.


decision tree

BODILY, S.E., and PFEIFER, P.E., “Darden’s Luckiest Student: Lessons from a High-Stakes Risk Experiment,” Decision Analysis 7(4), December 2010, 331-345.

PFEIFER, P.E., BODILY, S.E., CARRAWAY, R.L., CLYMAN, D.R., FREY, S.C., Jr., “Preparing Our Students to be News Vendors,” Interfaces 31(6), 112-122, Nov.-Dec. 2001.

PFEIFER, P.E., "Are We Overconfident in the Belief that Probability Forecasters are Overconfident?" Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 58, 203-213, 1994.

PFEIFER, P.E., BODILY, S.E. and FREY, S.C. Jr., "Pearson-Tukey Three-Point Approximations Versus Monte Carlo Simulation," Decision Sciences, 22(1), 74-90, 1991.

PFEIFER, P.E. and SCHMIDT, R.L., "A Decision-Theoretic Valuation of Information in Sealed-Bid Auctions for Items of Known Value," Decision Sciences, 21(2), 461-470, 1990.

PFEIFER, P.E., "Market Timing and Risk Reduction," Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 20(4), 45l-459, December l985.


canning problems
Canning Problems

PFEIFER, P.E., "A General Piecewise Linear Canning Problem Model,” Journal of Quality Technology, 31(3), 326-337, July 1999.

SCHMIDT, R.L. and PFEIFER, P.E., "Economic Selection of the Mean and Upper Limit for a Canning Problem with Limited Capacity," Journal of Quality Technology, 23(4), 312-317, 1991.

SCHMIDT, R.L. and PFEIFER, P.E., "An Economic Evaluation of Improvements in Process Capability for a Single-Level Canning Problem," Journal of Quality Technology, 21(1), 16-19, 1989.


WEATHERFORD, L.A. and PFEIFER, P.E., "The Economic Value of Using Advance Booking of Orders," Omega, the International Journal of Management Science, 22(1), 105-111, 1994.

WEATHERFORD, L.A., BODILY, S.E. and PFEIFER, P.E., "Modeling the Customer Arrival Process and Comparing Decision Rules in Perishable Asset Revenue Management Situations," Transportation Sciences, 27(3), 239-251, 1993.

BODILY, S.E. and PFEIFER, P.E., "Overbooking Decision Rules," Omega, the International Journal of Management Science, 20(1), 129-133, 1992.

PFEIFER, P.E., "The Airline Discount-Fare Allocation Problem," Decision Sciences, 20(1), 149-157, 1989.


PFEIFER, P.E. and BODILY, S.E., "A Test of Space-Time ARMA Modelling and Forecasting of Hotel Data," Journal of Forecasting, 9, 225-272, 1990.

DEUTSCH, S.J. and PFEIFER, P.E., "Space-Time ARMA Modeling with Contemporaneously Correlated Innovations," Technometrics, 23(4), 401-409, 1981.

PFEIFER, P.E. and DEUTSCH, S.J., "Seasonal Space-Time ARIMA Modeling," Geographical Analysis, 13(2), 117-133, 1981.

PFEIFER, P.E. and DEUTSCH, S.J., "Variance of the Sample Space-Time Auto-correlation Function," Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series B, 43(1), 28-33, 1981.

PFEIFER, P.E. and DEUTSCH, S.J., "Variance of the Sample Space-Time Auto-correlation Function of Contemporaneously Correlated Variables," SIAM Journal of Applied Mathematics, Part A, 40(1), 133-136, 1981.

PFEIFER, P.E. and DEUTSCH, S.J., "Stationarity and Invertibility Regions for Low-Order STARMA Models," Communications in Statistics, B9(5), 551-560, 1980.

PFEIFER, P.E. and DEUTSCH, S.J., "Independence and Sphericity Tests for the Residuals of Space-Time ARMA Models," Communications in Statistics, B9(4), 533-549, 1980.

PFEIFER, P.E. and DEUTSCH, S.J., "A Comparison of Estimation Procedures for the Parameters of the STAR Model," Communications in Statistics, B9(3), 255-270, 1980.

PFEIFER, P.E. and DEUTSCH, S.J., "A STARIMA Model Building Procedure with Application to Description and Regional Forecasting," Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, 5(3), 330-349, 1980.

PFEIFER, P.E. and DEUTSCH, S.J., "Identification and Interpretation of First-Order Space-Time ARMA Models," Technometrics, 22(3), 397-403, 1980.

PFEIFER, P.E. and DEUTSCH, S.J., "A Three-Stage Iterative Procedure for Space-Time Modeling," Technometrics, 22(1), 35-47, 1980.


PFEIFER, P.E. and DEUTSCH, S.J., "A Probabilistic Model of Volleyball: Application to the Value of Serving First," Volleyball Technical Journal, VI(3), 67-70, 1982.

PFEIFER, P.E. and DEUTSCH, S.J., "A Probabilistic Model for Evaluation of Volleyball Scoring Systems," Research Quarterly, 59(3), 330-338, 1981.
