Project on Economic Inequality

My interest in this topic began with some conversations with my colleague Ed Hess back in 2013.  At the time I don't think that income inequality was in my vocabulary.  Soon after these conversations I saw the movie, Inequality for All which really piqued my interest.  What seemed my appealing that the topic of Economic Inequality can be very data oriented.  New research papers were coming out nearly every week by scholars all over the world.  Many of the studies raised questions like "how could that be?"  And, the topic cuts across all functions of business: operations, marketing, and finance.  Most of the work was being done by economists.  The topic was appearing daily in the popular news.  The Pope and the President were referencing it, and such scholars as Nobel Prize Winner, Robert Schiller said, “The most important problem that we are facing now today, I think, is rising inequality in the United States and elsewhere in the world.”