Creating a Marketing Plan                                         <<Back


Developing a marketing plan helps you take a comprehensive look at your target market.  It will confirm that you are casting a wide enough net and that there are enough potential positions to achieve success. 


The document should include your job search objective, a clearly defined statement about what type of position you are trying to market yourself  into, whichwill help drive the rest of the plan.   Next, identify three or four sample positions that fit your objective -- this will help others quickly grasp how your objective practically translates to a role. Then state your value proposition or positioning statement.  To create your positioning statement, develop an understanding of what potential employers seek for these types of roles and describe yourself in those terms.  A list of your competencies and traits relevant to the roles will complement the positioning statement. 


Sample Marketing Plan


To complete the plan you’ll need to generate a segmented list of companies.  This list will enable you to target sectors, identify useful networking connections and provide focus for conversations.   To compile the list you should research the market and gather information using databases, some accessible only from your public library, as well as local chamber of commerce or other regional web sites (e.g. Book of Lists, online business journals).